
On March 29, 2018, the Applied English department invited a very distinguished alumni to speak to our fourth year students at the Hsinchu campus. His name is Antony (彭日明), and he is currently serving as both the chief of sanitation  as well as director of kindergarten  at 新竹縣峨眉鄉.  Antony generously shared his life experiences and offered tips on how to succeed in all areas of life, including both business and personal life.   Antony also patiently replied to the many questions of students. We hope that he can share his experience with Taipei students in the future.




一、 彭老師敘述自己學生時代工讀、面試經驗,引導學生充分了解準備面試(職場入場券)的重要性。

二、 介紹現職(清潔隊及幼兒園)工作內容、優勢人才具備條件、把握不同單位職務歷練機會,分享職場為民服務、解決問題、溝通協調的案例。

最後與學生QA互動,提出-良好人際關係、主動積極態度、認真負責精神、創意行銷觀念、團隊合作力量. .等相關「增加職場就業競爭力」重點,學生反應獲益良多。