
2022中國科技大學CUTe盃全國高中職英語口說大賽獲得熱烈回響 <應用英語系訊>

 Enthusiastic Responses to 2022 China University of Technology (CUTe) High School English Speaking Contest        

 智慧科技 (AI, Artificial Intelligence) 已經逐漸成為學習的趨勢,以學生為主導中心的翻轉式教育崛起,並將課堂上的學習深入到日常生活中。應用英語系於幾年前購入 MyET 英語學習軟體,使本系學生可隨時透過電腦、手機及網路,下載 App 進行一對一的口語練習。為推廣學生使用智慧科技學習英文,應用英語系於111年2月至3月底辦理「2022中國科技大學CUTe盃全國高中職英語口說大賽」。本次活動獲得學生熱烈回響,共計來自全國高中職近300位同學參賽。此次比賽由應用英語系主辦,艾爾科技公司協辦,採初賽及複賽制。初賽由各校參賽者自行登錄,於2月23日至3月15日可進行無數次的測試。 得分最高的前15名可晉級進入3月25日舉行的決賽。這是本系第二次舉辨該類型的競賽,報名參加者相當的踴躍。

In order to promote students' use of AI technology to learn English, the Department of Applied English Studies recently held the "2022 China University of Technology (CUTe) High School English Speaking Contest." This is the second consecutive year that the department has held this type of competition, and the participants have been most enthusiastic. Hosted by the Department of Applied English Studies and co-organized by L LABS Inc., this competition comprised two stages, preliminary and final rounds. During the preliminary round, the participants of each high school logged in by themselves and took unlimited tests from late February through mid- March. Participants ranking in the top 15 highest scores then advanced to the final round held in late March in the multimedia Language Lab at CUTe's English department.


L LABS Inc. has also attached great importance to this competition. Director Xu personally administered the competition, explaining the method and rules. The results were announced and award ceremonies immediately followed. During the award ceremony, Dr. Marina Chen, head of the English Department, delivered remarks in both English and Chinese, encouraging students to seize the trend of smart technology and make unremitting efforts to strive for excellence. Finally, all participating contestants, staff, and teachers posed for a group photo. This competition has drawn to a successful close, and we look forward to students having even greater harvests in the future!

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