2020致理盃 國際商貿英語簡報競賽全國賽 大專英(文)組第一名



 此競賽活動宗旨: 鼓勵學生練習英語口語表達及訓練組織規劃能力, 並提供菁英學子相互觀摩機會,以提升學生學習英語之興趣及職場競爭力。參賽者2-3人一隊,每校限2隊。此次大專應英組共計15組參加,因疫情的緣故,改成上傳報名表、簡報、執行摘要和參賽影片。能打敗來自各大專院校的菁英學子,真的非常不容易,何況同時奪得冠亞軍!期待學生未來可以繼續為中國科大獲得良好的成績!

We are delighted to congratulate CUTe students Hendrik Yeh (class 3B),  Henry Tsai (class 2A) and Jennifer Chen (class 2B) for ranking 1st place overall amongst all university team participants, beating all other contestants in 2020 Chihlee National Presentation Contest. Meanwhile.  It involves more than two dozens of teams from top national technical and private universities, amongst others. It requires 2-3 students per team, with each university allowed a maximum of 2 teams.

 The goal of this contest is to motivate students to fortify their speaking capabilities, strengthen their organization and presentation skills in English for professional purposes, as well as enhance their competitiveness in the job market. The participants should take a video and upload it to a designated google folder, along with a registration form, a PPT and an executive summary.


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